Ciao guys!

We hope you’ve all had a fantastic October and have managed to embrace all aspects of Autumn from drinking pumpkin-spiced lattes to experimenting with the trendy cable-knit sweater, khakis and dress combinations.

As sad as it is to say goodbye to summer, we must say, Autumn has its own lovely perks with its beautiful changing colors and, of course, Halloween.

Halloween is largely viewed as an American celebration but its roots are are actually steeped in European traditions. Halloween, known by the Celts as Samhain, was originally just a day to remember and honor the souls of the dead. Nowadays, it’s become completely commercialized but the sentiment is still there.

Traditionally, Italians celebrate Ognissanti or All Saints Day on November 1st while observing “I Morti” on November 2nd. “I Morti” is known as All Souls Day and it’s the day that is dedicated to the remembrance of loved ones who have passed away. This day is usually celebrated with prayers, flowers and, of course, food.

For many Italians, the most important act of remembrance is visiting loved ones’ graves but different parts of Italy carry out different traditions. In Sicily, children hunt for treats left by relatives who are no longer living. In northern Italy people leave their homes empty for the dead to visit. All over the country, Italians set an empty place at the table for people who have passed away.


As far as Halloween night is concerned, it may not be widely celebrated in Italy but it is celebrated by a growing number of younger generation Italians so with a little bit of research and planning you could potentially find something fun to do that’s Halloween related!

For instance, the medieval town of Corinaldo located northeast of Ancona in central Italy’s Le Marche region, hosts an annual festa di Halloween, or festa delle Streghe during the last week of October.

If you’re near Lake Garda, you can attend any Halloween parties in Gardaland held every weekend from October 6 to November 4th. These parties sound pretty cool featuring spirit parades, music and even fireworks!

If you’re not into dressing up and partying for Halloween you can always have a quiet night in with a fabulously scary movie!

Whatever your plans are for October 31st, we wish you a very safe and Happy Halloween.

Follow us on Instagram and feel free to tag us in any of your Halloween photos!

Ci vediamo!

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